Recently I read from the Jakarta Post, a really intriguing article which I would like to share with you.
A person commented on two local movies that enraged him. No, it’s not because they’re badly written, poorly executed or starred a model trying hard to be an actress. It’s the message that annoyed him, the "Go get married or you’ll be doomed" message. Oh, please.
This is exactly like our society. Mothers always ask their children, to get married, especially if their sons or daughters reach the age of 25s. Over and over and over to the point that it just gets too much. Okay, I understand every mother’s wish to see their children married. It’s only human. Who wouldn’t like a joyous wedding followed by more babies to fill this overcrowded world? But, hey, this doesn’t mean that the single ones are sick, right.
A lot of lines in the film will make singletons feel they did something bad, that they won’t reach ‘good son’ status until they are married. And that life won’t be complete without your other half.
Sure. Now watch those infotainment shows and you’ll see how many married couples are filing divorce paper and crying over splitting the TV.
We should know that it doesn’t take marriage papers to be happy. But this doesn’t mean you have to be single to be happy, either. The thing is, there shouldn always be choice for everyone to decide what they want to be - single or not.
When a girl over 20 comes to a wedding, you can bet she’ll be asked by a whole troupe,"Where’s your boyfriend?" When she brings the boyfriend, unfortunately, the question changes,"When are you getting married?" When she’s married, it’s ,"Any plans on having a baby soon?" The vicious circle just won’t end.
The thing is, everyone thinks being with someone will make them happier. I’m not saying it can’t, but in the 21st century, it’s sad to judge someone’s life based on their love life.
Against all else, we should know the more important question to ask someone you care is,"Are you happy?"
People look and long for love, naturally. Some through marriage, some from their friends, some from family. Millions of people want to get married, but maybe millions of others don’t. There’s nothing wrong with either, so don’t judge one side from another. Honestly, is it a crime to be single?
its been so long for me not to ask somebody by this question..are you happy?..thanks for remembering me...rido